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Ohio born. Ohio beard.

We care about what goes into your beard. 


I currently have all 5 scents of Ohio Beard Company.   Not only do I love the products, they really work. I have gotten several compliments lately on how I have tamed the cowlicks in my beard. If you're a beard guy, and you're an Ohio guy, don't overthink this. Keep it simple, keep it local with the Ohio Beard Company!

Joe S.

I use these oils daily and it helps a lot, especially out in Colorado where the air is so dry! They smell fantastic too!

Josh F.

OBC has earned my faithful business now because of the quality ingredients used, research and know-how creating the right product, customer service and they are local...huge supporter of local small businesses. I use OBCs 1803 Fusion oil, it's thick, scent is pleasing--not strong and the ingredients are natural-nothing hidden as proven listed on their website. I kid you not-using Ohio Beard Co's oil has boosted my beards health, look and feel.

Bryan B.

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